Joey Birlem is an American Musically star. He has gained millions of fans on the lip-synching app and his popularity is extending into other platforms like Instagram and Youtube.
If you want to find more about this Musically star, check out this 16 facts about Joey Birlem.
Birthday. Joey Birlem’s age is [showcurrentage month=”05″ day=”29 year=”2002″ template=”1″]. His birthday is May 29, 2002. His sign is Gemini.
Birthplace. Joey lives in Fort Mill, California.
Family. He has two sisters named Sophia and Bella. They often appear in his videos.
Full Name. Joseph Matthew Birlem
Nicknames: People often call him Joey or JoJo.
Eye Color. Greenish brown in color
Before Musical.ly. He was into skateboarding.
Tayler Holder. He is friends with another popular Musically Star, Tayler Holder. The two started a Youtube channel in 2016, called Joey and Tayler.
Broke his Arm. He broke his arm in the summer of 2017.
Urban Dictionary. Joey Birlem’s name is actually in the UrbanDictionary for the listing “hot af”
Fav color. He loves the color red
Biggest Fear. His biggest fear is dying alone.
Favorite Fruit. Joey loves pineapples.
Strange Fact. He used to hate the flavor of mint
Hover boards. He was once obsessed with hover boards and he freaked out when he met Tayler Holder and realized he had a bunch of them.
Social Media. Joey Birlem’s popularity is skyrocketing and you can follow him on the various social media accounts below:
Instagram: @joeybirlem
Twitter: @joeybirlem
Snapchat name: joeybirlem